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With end-of-year festivities fast approaching, you’re likely trying to make plans knowing there’s a risk they’re cancelled. Or you might be looking for ways to boost employee morale and productivity after another trying year. Now is a good opportunity to ensure you’re getting the balance between support and celebration just right. 

Did you know that 2 out of 3 employees agree their employers could do more to understand what would be most helpful to them during the holiday season? If you want to give your company a competitive advantage and support your employees and their families in more practical ways, then it’s time to ditch the one-size-fits all approach to end-of-year gifting and celebration.

Here are 6 reasons why it’s time to consider digital employee rewards through Reward Gateway’s engagement platform:

 1. Choice
 2. Immediacy
 3. Connection
 4. Time
 5. Automation
 6. Engagement


happy employeeYour people are all different, so your rewards offering should be too. Gift them with something they’ll genuinely appreciate and actually use, without the burden of having to buy vouchers that are the same every year, or get lost in the mail. Instead, offer them the gift of choice from 900+ top retailers, rewards from millions of products and services via Amazon Online, or even donate their reward to a charity.


The second you hit ‘send’ the reward is in your employee's account, it’s ready for them to redeem on something they want that’s meaningful to them, wherever they may be. Whether your team is full of frontline workers, or they’re working fully remote right now, reach your people with rewards that will delight them whenever, wherever.

Learn more about how you can offer employees rewards to your people »


Rewards are an opportunity to build loyalty to you as an employer, and you can do that more effectively when the reward experience reflects your unique company culture and employer brand. Create rewards with unique names, designs and memorable, relatable images that make that moment of celebration memorable! 


Time is the one thing we all get in equal measure, but I’ve never met a business leader who doesn’t want more. Issuing bulk rewards digitally means reducing HR admin, streamlining processes and reaching thousands of employees in just a few clicks. 


Digital rewards allow you to schedule awards well in advance - be it your end of year bonus, anniversary reward, or employee birthday. You can schedule custom recognition moments unique to your business and celebrate your people with your eyes closed. 

kettle foods ecards examples


employee engagement and satisfactionHosting your rewards program on a digital employee engagement platform that is connected to other aspects of your employee experience gives them a reason to log back into your system when they redeem their rewards. This drives traffic and awareness of your other benefits, recognition moments, company blog posts or important employee information - which all helps employees to boost a sense of connection to each other and to your business.  


Learn more about how Reward Gateway is supporting teams with creative ways to celebrate, support and enhance the experience for employees in the lead-up to Christmas. 

Talk to an Engagement Consultant »

Oonagh Howley-Smith

Oonagh is an Employee Engagement Consultant at Reward Gateway. She's passionate about traveling the world, having visited Africa, South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and South America in a single year, and loves to spend time with her family, with a two-year-old daughter and a newborn on the way.

Employee Engagement Consultant

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