The importance of clear expectations at work

Discover how setting clear and realistic work expectations can positively impact employee engagement at your organization.

Every person and every role has a critical part to play in the functioning and success of a business. But what if everyone doesn’t really know what their role is or what is expected of them? What’s the business impact, and just as importantly, what’s the impact on the individual? 

It’s no secret that the U.S. workforce is struggling with employee engagement. According to Gallup, employee engagement in the U.S. fell to its lowest level in a decade in 2024, with only 31% of employees engaged and 17% of employees actively disengaged. A key culprit? A lack of clear expectations ... only 46% of employees clearly know what is expected of them at work, down 10 points from a high of 56% in March 2020.

Gallup measures 12 engagement elements, and three of them saw significant declines in 2024: clarity of expectations; feeling someone at works cares about them as a person; and someone encouraging their development.

We’ve got thoughts on all three over here at Reward Gateway | Edenred, but I want to focus on expectations today.

How to set and maintain clear expectations

It’s the manager’s responsibility to set (and maintain) clear expectations for their direct reports from day one. If the manager was also the hiring manager, day one starts when they write the job description, not the new hire’s first day. If the manager joins an existing team, day one is the first time they meet with their direct reports in a one-on-one setting.

Managers should clarify both the core competencies of an individual’s role (the work they do) and the behavioral expectations of their role (how they do their work). To be clear, the behavioral expectations aren’t meant to be an excuse to micromanage their team, but rather to provide clarity of how their team works with each other and their business partners. Some examples of these behavioral expectations might be: proactive communication, adherence to deadlines, treating others with respect, etc.

A few things managers should keep in mind:

  • Everyone learns in different ways – it's important to set these expectations in multiple ways, both in discussion and in writing.
  • Repetition is key – everyone has a million and one competing priorities, and it can be easy to lose track of expectations set on day one. Managers and their direct reports should make sure to set aside dedicated time to regularly check-in on expectations, discuss what is working and what needs to adjust.
  • Expectations aren’t a one-way street – managers should make sure to check in with their teams not only to hear their feedback on the expectations et by the manager, but to also share their expectations of the manager. Doing so builds mutual respect and accountability.

Benefits of clear expectations

brainstorming-people-goalsWe’ve already covered how clear expectations (or lack thereof) influence employee engagement. But what’s the benefit of engaged employees? Let me count the ways.

  • Improved eNPS and employee retention
  • Improved employee wellbeing
  • Improved productivity
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Improved revenue attainment
  • And more! 

We dive into these engagement outcomes and more in our Economic Value Study, if you’re interested in exploring more.

And what better time to set, adjust and reinforce clear expectations with your teams? The beginning of the year, of course!

Learn more about how Reward Gateway | Edenred can help you make your corner of the world a better place to work.