In our recent Appreciation Index report, the third most powerful driver of Appreciation was a sense of belonging. I have been working long enough to remember when worrying about belonging was too “soft” a concern for the workplace, but the research – both ours and across the industry – continues to reinforce the power our feelings can have.
Those that feel they belong, those that feel appreciated, work harder, are more engaged and more satisfied in their jobs.
There is a basic need for belonging
When my daughter was eight, American Girl dolls were a big deal. Girls often wanted a doll that looked just like them. This desire leads to the (creepy) display case in the American Girl stores with a wide range of doll variants: hair colors, skin colors, hair types, etc. I still remember when we learned we could get a doll with hearing aids – just like my daughter’s.
“Hearing aids are normal! Even your doll has them!” The rush of knowing we could show our daughter she wasn't alone in her deafness. The physical power of belonging.
I think most people can also relate to when belonging isn’t present. Have you ever walked into an event and you're the first of your group to arrive? Felt that awkwardness, followed by the rush of relief when you spot someone you know. Imagine trying to get a long list of tasks done while feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Could you do it – sure. Would you be as likely to stay focused? Nope. What if someone asked you to come to another company where you would feel relaxed and welcomed? (Hello, turnover.)
So many types of belonging
When we think of belonging at work, we may think of our formal Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs and photographic diversity. Do I see people that look like me at work? Regardless of which big companies are moving away from their DEI initiatives, the answer to this question is important for culture and productivity. But it isn’t just about multiculturalism. There are other ways for people to feel they do or don’t belong.
How about work style? Does your team start some huddles with a bit of personal chatter? That might support your need for connection and help you feel more engaged once the formal meeting begins. Or does your team have certain meetings where you can leave your camera off? That might allow you to more fully focus on the meeting and feel less that you are “on stage.”
This type of consideration is especially important as our research shows that [neurodivergent employees are among the] most at risk when it comes to belonging.
Creating belonging in your team
If it is such a basic need for people to feel belonging, let’s consider some simple ways you can promote belonging in your team:
Ask for feedback
Ask your team for ideas on new or different ways of doing business. “How is the team meeting working for folks? Any ideas for improvements?” or “It’s been a while since I’ve done the job you do; what else can I do to better support you?" are great places to start. But there's so much more you can learn about your team to support and engage them better – and make them feel valued.
Discuss styles of work
When a group takes time to consider how they like to work and how that is the same or different from others, it creates a healthy space to celebrate differences rather than become irritated with them. This is a great way to support psychological safety and make the most of a diverse team.
Take control of your brain
When we are met with someone different, or “other,” we may get a little drip of fear or discomfort. It's called in-group/out-group bias. As a leader, consider if you are feeling this as part of hiring or when a new suggestion comes in, and if you need to push through that moment of uncertainty to make the right decision.
Bring outside celebrations in
I still remember learning about a colleague’s celebration of Three Kings Day and how connected that made me feel to them. Are there traditions or celebrations that people could share with the team to increase everyone’s belonging? The best floats at the Pride Parade? The best southern food that northerners are missing out on? First, there needs to be psychological safety, but if you’ve established that, give the team time to learn about each other.
Belonging supports engagement and results
If we want employees to be engaged and productive, are we making sure they are comfortable on our teams? Are we accommodating for different working styles and even celebrating what they bring to the team? Do employees feel that their perspectives are taken into account when decisions are made? Does our workforce match the demographics of our community, or might we be biased in who we hire and how welcoming we are being?
Appreciation of the whole human is a powerful cultural force – and a way to support people and profits. Download our recent report to dig further into the numbers and to learn more about the demographics that are more and less likely to feel appreciated.
Learn more about how Reward Gateway | Edenred can help your organization build a robust, engaging employee recognition program and make your corner of the world a better place to work.