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The Business Case for Belonging Report

Building strong connections across your workforce and cultivating a real sense of belonging has so many positive outcomes for your organisation, it doesn’t just feel good on a personal level, it also makes real business sense. Download our report to discover how you can cultivate connection, care and belonging in 2024.

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Connection and care are crucial.



feel disconnected from their teammates and co-workers.

Reasons why Aussies are considering leaving their jobs: 

Poor company culture
Poor relationship with manager
Lack of open communication


say that they feel more motivated and productive at work if they have a manager who cares.

Cultivating care and connection can reduce stress and burnout.

Key contributing factors to employee burnout:

Lack of recognition
Unsupportive manager
Unhealthy company culture
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Employees need that sense of belonging to thrive...

“The company is quite large. People who are very extroverted are seen where as anyone else who isn't as extroverted isn't.”

- Early Millennial

“The ability to clearly communicate what you think and how you feel goes a long way toward helping you feel accepted and welcome.”

- Late Millennial

“I don’t feel connected to the organisation I work for. I do feel connected to my team and division, but not the company.”

- Generation X

For more insights on how Australian employees are feeling in 2024,

download The Business Case for Belonging Report

Creating connection and community in


Exploring the state of connection and care in Australian workplaces, The Business Case for Belonging Report delves into how leading organisations are fostering community and a sense of belonging for their people in 2024.

Join us in shaping a future where employees thrive, and organisations excel.