38 tips to nurture appreciation and recognition in your business

Discover tips and tricks crowd-sourced at our Sydney Summit from Australian HR leaders.

At our Sydney Summit 2024, we asked attendees to share their best tips and tricks for boosting appreciation and recognition. Our attendees didn’t disappoint so now we’re sharing them with you! 

We hope these ideas inspire you to kickstart new initiatives or reinforce existing strategies that might need some extra energy. 
Please reach out to our friendly team if you have any questions about the tips or how to boost recognition and appreciation in your business. 

Recognise your people at every stage of their employee journey:

1. Recognise new starters from day one.
2. Make people feel welcome
3. Recognise those who support new hires through their onboarding journey.
4. Recognise the first day, first week and first six months.
5. Recognise passing probation.
6. Recognise not just long service, but milestones of one or two years, which are critical milestones.
7. Celebrate and recognise employees that you’re retaining. 
8. Celebrate milestone moments, no matter whether they’re big or small and create personalised service milestones.
9. Celebrate retirees!

Watch our in-depth Summit workshop on how to drive scalable and meaningful recognition at your business.

Incorporate rewards into your recognition playbook:

10. Provide end-of-year gifts to employees.
11. Set up anniversary gifts for tenure to show appreciation for loyalty.
12. Introduce quarterly prizes for representing the company values.

It’s about progress, not perfection. Don’t forget to celebrate along the way!

13. Individualise the work experience and recognise both individual and team efforts that help you achieve your vision.
14. Appreciate those who do the fundamentals well.
15. Celebrate all achievers, top performers, those in the middle and those who have developed or shown progress.
16. Focus on consistent performance, not just the stars.
17. Don’t underestimate the power of an instant thank you to recognise great efforts.
18. Remember to provide regular, on-the-go feedback.


Empower your managers to drive recognition…

 19. Give managers incentives to engage their people.
 20. Develop a manager recognition program.
 21. Remind your middle managers how valued they are.
 22. Get managers to send recognition to their team members every week. 

23. Managers need to find out what type of recognition or reward their team appreciates the most.

And ensure you do the same with your senior leaders!

 24. Help leaders know what makes their people tick.
 25. Implement a CEO Monday message on your communications platform with a shout-out section.
 26. Encourage your executive team to direct message (DM) people with personalised recognition.

Recognition should be consistent and visible, shining a light on those seen and unseen

27. Set up a win wall for all to see - something that’s virtual and in-person.
28. Shout-out posts on your company’s communications platform and encourage social engagement.
29. Celebrate every activity or event by sending them eCards.

Check out our eBook: 12 Ways to Build Company Culture With Peer-to-Peer Recognition.

Nurture a culture of appreciation and recognition throughout your business

RG SUMMIT SYDNEY 2024 - PUZZLEMAN PRODUCTIONS 278-min30. Celebrate your top eCard senders.
31. Recognise peers and leaders that are driving your recognition culture
32. Remember to recognise your own HR team.
33. Celebrate on Employee Appreciation Day!
34. Set up your own appreciation day to encourage people to appreciate each other.
35. Leave open time in meetings for recognition shout-outs, and protect this time! 
36. Be there for your employees at the moments that matter, show them genuine care. 
37. Don’t underestimate the power of peer-to-peer recognition.
38. Nurture an ongoing, caring culture that encourages people to show appreciation.

Get in touch with one of our team today to discover how you can boost appreciation and recognition throughout your business.

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