How to make life easier for your middle managers: A supportive and strategic approach

Want to make life easier for your middle managers with effective support and sustainable strategies? Check out our blog.

Middle managers are the backbone of any organisation, acting as the vital link between upper management and frontline employees. However, the role of middle managers has become increasingly challenging. With the pressure to improve business performance coinciding with dipping employee engagement, the demands on these managers are higher than ever.

Our recent research highlights the mounting pressures faced by middle managers in Australia. A staggering 80% of middle managers feel increased pressure from upper management to enhance business performance, while 73% are feeling the strain to improve employee performance.

Furthermore, 69% report that their team's burnout and mental health issues are adding to the complexity and pressure of their role. These challenges underscore the critical need for organisations to provide robust support systems for their middle management teams. This is where our insights, strategies and solutions can come into play, offering innovative initiatives designed to ease the burden on middle managers and enhance overall organisational effectiveness.

Discover why retention is up but Australian employee engagement is down in our  exclusive research. Read Report

Empowering managers to boost morale and encourage progress

One of the most effective ways to support middle managers is by empowering them to take charge of employee morale. We provide managers with the tools and freedom to recognise and reward their team members, which is crucial for maintaining high morale and encouraging progress.Recognition and Reward Revolution hub image

When managers have the ability to directly influence team morale through recognition, they can create a positive and motivating work environment. This not only enhances team performance but also alleviates the pressure on managers by giving them a clear, actionable way to drive results.

Recognition programs that are manager-led or manager-approved allow leaders to reinforce what good, great, or excellent performance looks like. By rewarding employees accordingly, managers can set clear expectations and encourage their teams to strive for excellence. This approach not only boosts individual performance but also fosters a culture of recognition and appreciation within the organisation, leading to higher levels of employee engagement and satisfaction.

Watch our in-depth workshop on how to drive scalable and meaningful recognition at your business.

Flexible redemption options to support employees

One of the common challenges managers face is knowing how to reward their employees effectively. The dilemma of "I don't know what to get them" can be a significant stressor, especially when trying to ensure that rewards are meaningful and appreciated. Reward Gateway | Edenred addresses this issue by offering flexible redemption options, which allow employees to choose rewards that best suit their needs.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in reward redemption for essential items like groceries, reflecting the financial pressures many employees face. By providing flexible options, businesses can support their employees during tough times, demonstrating empathy and understanding.

This not only helps to alleviate financial stress but also strengthens the bond between employees and the organisation, as they feel valued and supported.

A one-stop-shop platform for managerial support

Middle managers often juggle multiple responsibilities, from overseeing team performance to ensuring employee well-being. Our one-stop-shop employee engagement platform is designed to streamline these tasks, providing managers with an easy-to-navigate tool that consolidates all necessary resources in one place.

au-2023_Honeywell Pacific featured image 2000x2000_AU-minWith everything stored on a single platform, managers can quickly access practical support for their teams. Whether they need to direct an employee to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services, remind them to take advantage of the Wellbeing Centre, or encourage them to use available discounts to ease household budget pressures, the platform makes it easy.

This level of support enables managers to respond promptly to their team's needs, reducing stress and improving overall team wellbeing.

Streamlined communication to bridge the information gap

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful management. However, middle managers often find themselves caught between upper management, who have access to all the information, and employees, who are tasked with executing the work. We can help bridge this gap by offering well-designed company blogs and internal communication rhythms that streamline the flow of information from executives to management and, ultimately, to employees.

Open and honest communication is crucial for keeping employees well-informed, productive, and connected to the organisation’s goals. When managers can easily disseminate key information and updates, it reduces confusion, builds trust, and fosters a sense of belonging among employees. This, in turn, enhances engagement and productivity, making the manager’s job easier and more rewarding.

The business impact of supporting middle managers

The importance of supporting middle managers cannot be overstated, especially in the current business climate. A downturn in 2024 has created a vicious cycle for many Australian businesses, characterised by poor performance, stagnant wage growth, and low employee engagement. Middle managers are at the forefront of this challenge, and without adequate support, the risk of underperformance looms large.

Over 80% of business and HR decision-makers are concerned about the impact of underperforming team members on overall business performance. Additionally, nearly half believe that low employee engagement has directly contributed to decreased productivity.

To combat these issues, many organisations are turning to recognition and reward programs. Among those who have implemented such programs, 48% report improved morale, 46% see better engagement, and 43% note increased productivity. These figures highlight the significant positive impact that recognition and reward programs can have on both employee satisfaction and business outcomes.

Middle managers are under immense pressure, but with the right support, they can thrive and lead their teams to success. Our comprehensive approach, which includes morale-boosting tools, flexible reward options, a one-stop-shop platform, and streamlined communication, is designed to make life easier for middle managers. By empowering them with the resources they need, organisations can improve employee engagement, boost productivity, and ultimately enhance overall business performance.

Want to access more insights from our latest research report? Download The Engagement Paradox Report now

Get in touch with one of our team today to discover how you can better support your mangers, while driving productivity and retention across your workforce.

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