
3 min read

When companies have a position open the recruitment team is usually on the frontline meeting people. And because recruiting is a constant at any growing company, the team meets a lot of people. We get to know them, and understand what they’re looking for in a job and in a career. My team helps coach them through the interview process, and hopefully, to becoming a Reward Gateway employee.

But one of the things I hate is when I meet an amazing candidate who just isn’t a fit for us - yet. Culturally, they’re a fit. Skill-wise, they’re a fit. Unfortunately for us (and them), the timing just isn’t right.But like any changing and growing company, Reward Gateway goes through peaks and valleys for hiring, so what job opening that might not work one month might work the next.

And while LinkedIn can be a great place to keep in touch with candidates, and my inbox is always full of messages, I wanted a more personalized way to keep our candidates top of mind, both for them, and for us.

That’s why we’re introducing boom! for candidates. It’s a play on our own internal communications hub, boom!, which is built on our SmartHub® technology. Here’s a snapshot of what they’ll find:


Insider access to Reward Gateway. One of the most valuable pieces on boom! for candidates is that users get an insider look at Reward Gateway with access to things like Global Briefing, our bi-weekly video updates, and leadership blogs. We want them to feel like an employee, even if they aren’t one (yet). By being open and transparent about our culture, and the business, candidates can decide whether or not we’re the right fit for them if and when our job conversation continues.

Candidate-driven content. We know that while we might have opened up a door to a relationship with a candidate, we can’t expect them to wait around forever. We plan on showcasing how to apply for jobs, interview advice, resume cliches to avoid and more. We’re taking a cue from marketing and making sure that the content we share with candidates is value-driven.

Access to one of our products. Our boom! for candidates users get six months of access to our discounts platform — where they’ll be able to use the product just like our employees and clients can, gaining access to in-store and online discounts to more than 1,000 retailers. Besides giving these candidates a great benefit for being patient with us while we see if there’s a fit for them down the line, it also familiarizes them with one of our core products, so if and when they become a Reward Gateway employee, they’ll be well-versed in how to use our platform.

Boom! for candidates is just starting out this week with some invites being mailed to candidates we’ve spoken with in the past. Stay tuned for how we’re planning to recruit more faces to get to know through our platform.

Chris Gannon

Always seeking an amazing sandwich, loves beaches and pizza. Chris is our former Group Director of Talent Attraction.

Group Director of Talent Attraction

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