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Even Google has unhappy people

3 min read

Don't let the rising price of fuel be a barrier to employee engagement

2 min read

Working out: Make it a “must-have” instead of a “nice-to-have” at your job

4 min read

The surprising statistics behind employees and purpose, mission and values [INFOGRAPHIC]

3 min read

Workplace communication methods: Where do you stand?

3 min read

Wrapping up Workplace Diversity Week 2018

3 min read

Writing your HR campaign objectives? Think SMART

5 min read

You sit for nearly six hours a day: What are you doing to fix it?

6 min read

Your guide to communications in times of uncertainty (and what we learned from Brexit)

7 min read

Six tricks to make people really sit up and listen. A review of "Contagious: Why Things Catch On"

6 min read

First impressions through the eyes of our new starter

2 min read

Ice-skating in July? How strange climate questions can help you understand your employees better.

5 min read

In a sea of employee benefits providers, how do you make sure you pick the right one?

1 min read

Don’t take sweets from strangers... Unless they’re promoting employee benefits.

2 min read

Getting Started

Just getting started on your employee engagement journey? Learn more about tools and benefits to support your small business:

How do small businesses create a great company culture?

Pippa is our Product Strategy & Enablement Director, with a laser focus on refining our product to align with client needs and challenges. With over 15 years’ experience modernizing systems to better engage employees, she’s passionate about translating customer insights into innovative products that make the world a better place to work.

Product Strategy & Enablement Director

3 signs your small business needs better employee recognition

Pippa is our Product Strategy & Enablement Director, with a laser focus on refining our product to align with client needs and challenges. With over 15 years’ experience modernizing systems to better engage employees, she’s passionate about translating customer insights into innovative products that make the world a better place to work.

Product Strategy & Enablement Director

How to boost your employees' mental wellbeing as a small business

When Mia isn’t at work she spends her time furniture shopping and obsessing over wall paint. She’s redecorated her home three time in three years and has now happily moved on to redecorating the homes of her friends and family.

Client Relationship Manager for Reward Gateway for Small Business

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