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childcare voucher changes

3 min read

We don't usually do this, but it's important for us to bring attention to a special issue for our U.K. audience, and that's the debate around Childcare Voucher schemes. 

We will continue to support our clients as they navigate the changes to Salary Sacrifice to make sure every parent in our reach understands their options and has access to the systems and information they need to make informed choices about their family’s finances.

There's a lot of misinformation out there about Childcare Vouchers, and I wanted to set the record straight, as they say, for those that may be confused about what's what. We've put together a top eight Fact v. Fiction so you can decode Childcare Vouchers and be informed about both options. To get you started, here are three... 

Myth: Childcare Vouchers are disappearing so there's no point in signing up. 

Fact: Childcare Vouchers are staying open to anyone who is signed up to the scheme by April 6, 2018. As long as you're in, you can keep on using the benefit. (You can also learn more about our Childcare Voucher scheme.)

Myth: All the same nurseries will be available under Tax-Free Childcare. 

Fact: Nurseries have also been struggling to get registered with the new scheme, so you should check availability before you consider switching over as they may not be available under the new scheme. 

Myth: My childcare provider will stop accepting Childcare Vouchers. 

Fact: It's business as usual for Childcare Vouchers. All registered carers will continue to accept the vouchers and you can still add any new carers to the scheme. 

Visit the page below to see the full infographic, plus learn more about our Childcare Voucher Scheme to sign up before time is up. 

Can you bust these Childcare Voucher vs. TFC myths?

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