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4 min read

We’re proud to announce that Reward Gateway has been recognised by Great Place to Work as a centre of Excellence in Wellbeing.

The accolade is judged against a range of criteria (we’ve put them below for reference!), and is another endorsement of our commitment to providing long-term, consistent and realistic lifestyle changes for our employees:

  • Work environment
  • Financial security
  • Mental and physical health
  • Inter-personal relationships
  • Work-life balance
  • Fulfilment

Why wellbeing done right is so incredibly powerful

As an organisation, Great Place to Work leads the way in showcasing the businesses doing the right things, right. Working across insight, recognition and organisational development, Great Place to Work set the benchmark in terms of the standards that businesses should be aiming to hit in order to provide outstanding environments for their employees to thrive in.

We’re thrilled that this accolade gives a boost to the hard work our team has put in to place to make wellbeing at the very heart of our employee engagement strategies.

We’ve always championed holistic approaches to employee wellness, so receiving an award that’s judged against a combination of physical, mental and financial wellbeing considerations shows that we’re moving in the right direction. And our strategy puts a focus on wellbeing in a powerful and successful way.

Whether it’s with the aim of achieving boosted self-esteem, increased productivity and sleep quality, or the nurturing of more resilient employees, health and wellness should always be at the centre of care for employees. And, as a newly recognised centre of Excellence in Wellbeing, we’re proud to be leading the way on this front.

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The key to our wellbeing strategy: Be human

The biggest challenge facing employee wellness strategies today centre around education on the importance of holistic approaches. Time and time again, businesses come to us with an understanding of the need to support employee wellbeing, but without the know-how on how to create impact and cut through.

At RG, the case we put forward is pretty simple: what works for one person, might not necessarily work for someone else.

As human beings, we’re all unique in our likes, dislikes, wants, needs, desires and problems. To get the most out of your employee wellness strategy, therefore, a one-size fits-all approach simply doesn’t work. What employers should instead be doing is catering for the unique requirements of each individual employee in a structured, supportive way.

We mirror this approach internally, and ensure that we’re always offering support, guidance and choice to our employees, facilitating them to be the best versions of themselves that they can be.

Walking through the three pillars of employee wellbeing

Broadly speaking, there are three main pillars that contribute to an employee’s happiness: financial wellbeing, physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing. Ultimately, if you can support these three fundamental areas of wellbeing within your wellness strategy, you’ll be well on your way to building a more productive, aspirational workforce.

At Reward Gateway, we take these three pillars and use them as the driving force behind our Wellbeing Centre: an end-to-end solution for both internal and external use, that stretches everything from tech integrations, to simple everyday changes you can make to flip the dynamics of your company.


Within each of these pillars, we work with clients across the world to introduce a range of schemes, support programmes, and educational classes that give employees all the tools they need to lead more balanced, productive lives in the workplace.

This can be anything as simple as switching to walking meetings to get employees active, or launching discount programmes and partnerships with local banks. But it can also involve introducing flexible working to give employees more space from their work,  or creating tech-free ‘unplugged hours’ to help employees step away from their computers to recharge mentally.

In all instances, though, we suggest rolling out programmes that offers employees choice, not instruction, over the wellbeing support they receive in the office. Ultimately, it’s not the role of the employer to dictate what an employee should and shouldn’t want or need.  

We’re always open to hearing about new challenges that businesses are facing. So, if you’re interested in hearing about how a more informed, considered approach to wellbeing can revolutionise the success of employee engagement - and win awards with it - feel free to get in touch.

Charlie Taylor

Travel junkie, foodie, morning person, Disney fan! Charlie is Head of UK Growth Marketing and PR at Reward Gateway.

Head of UK Growth Marketing and PR

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