Your unanswered questions, now answered!

We're aware we didn’t have time to answer all of the questions you asked throughout the day, so we’ve picked the most popular ones and answered them below.

How does culture and other factors influence how you market and promote your EVP?

RG Live audienceCandidates care about culture and love to see feedback from employees on "what it’s really like" to work at your organisation. There are also lots of ways for negative experiences of your culture to get out to the public (Glassdoor, Twitter etc.). The more supportive your culture is, the less likely you are to need to manage negative impressions in the community. Additionally, the more positive your culture is, the more likely you are to have employee testimonials and employee referrals. We all know how much easier it is for the best candidates to make a decision if they are hearing good things from your employees. In fact, our clients often use recognition stories from their employee engagement platform to provide candidates visibility into their culture. 

- Ollie Munday, Enterprise Lead Consultant, Reward Gateway

Can you [Nebel Crowhurst, Chief People Officer, Reward Gateway] give an example of how the agile sprint framework can be applied to standard day-to-day tasks in HR (rather than a project)?

Nebel presenting at RG LiveThe principle of 'daily stand-ups' taken from the 'sprint' philosophy, can just as easily be applied to day-to-day working. By replacing the traditional weekly team meetings with each person going around the table sharing updates (likely in a 60-90 minute meeting), why not have a few short sharp 15 min meetings to keep the momentum of workflow moving more throughout the week. Although, in a sprint, you would ideally have a 'stand-up' every day, you might like to flex this when it's more geared to day-to-day work, and do Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In addition, the kanban principle can be a great way to track tasks. Trello as an example, lends itself well to ongoing BAU, as well as project work.

- Nebel Crowhurst, Chief People Officer, Reward Gateway

Do you have any ideas for an international remote workforce when it comes to promoting your EVP? 

presenters at RG LiveSometimes it is as simple as acknowledging your international population in communication. Supporting consistent recognition and communication throughout your regions will help people feel valued and connected. Next, many of our clients have success in having a guiding coalition or committee of employees that can share perspectives from the various regions. They also are then available as in-person resources that can answer questions in native languages that are most comfortable for your team. Additionally, even if your team is expected to work in a shared language, English, for example, putting information about your EVP into more languages can make it more accessible to all.

- Ali Fitzsimons, Employee Engagement Consultant, Reward Gateway

How do you measure individual performance when using Kanban? 

panel at RG LiveThis is where the principle of self-organised teams is really needed, with a culture shift towards true empowerment and autonomy. In addition, fostering an environment of psychological safety to ensure open and honest, in-the-moment feedback happens regularly. This feedback does not need to be top-down, it’s more important that peer-to-peer feedback is given and received to help the team with shared deliverables. I would also encourage the exploration of OKRs over traditional KPIs and how these can be applied to teams rather than individuals. 

- Nebel Crowhurst, Chief People Officer, Reward Gateway

What questions do you ask to understand what people want from the EVP?

RG Live

You might ask:

  • What are 'must haves' for how the company supports you as an employee?
  • What benefits or employee supports do you think we should consider adding?
  • When have you felt most connected and engaged with the organisation? Why?
  • When have you felt least engaged and connected to the organisation? What happened?

- Ollie Munday, Enterprise Lead Consultant, Reward Gateway

What's the difference between the organisation's “north star” and the company purpose with regards to people strategy?

Personally, I would describe the 'north star' as the big ambitious goal, whereas the purpose is what you exist for and the difference you make to whomever you are serving.

- Nebel Crowhurst, Chief People Officer, Reward Gateway

RG Live

What were the book recommendations for those who want to read more on Agile HR?

  • Agile People: A Radical Approach for HR & Managers (That Leads to Motivated Employees) - Pia-Maria Thoren
  • Agile HR - Deliver Value in a Changing World of Work’, Natal Dank & Riina Hellström 
  • Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice The Work In Half the Time - Jeff Sutherland

- Nebel Crowhurst, Chief People Officer, Reward Gateway