Part of a national movement dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
Grant Amount: £40,000
United Kingdom
YWCA San Francisco & Marin is proud to be part of a national movement dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. 80% of their clients are low or extremely low-income, with clients ranging in age from 50 to 85.
For this constituency, barriers to employment include sexism and ageism, lack of updated technology skills, low self-esteem (usually due to long-term unemployment), disabilities, poor interview skills and lack of job readiness.
Because of this, YWCA San Francisco & Marin offers employment services specifically targeting women over 50 years of age. The Fifty Plus program has proven successful at preparing older job seekers to find and secure stable employment while minimising the amount of time their clients are unemployed.
This grant will fully fund 50 economically disadvantaged women through the FiftyPlus programme.
The journey begins with effective recruitment and marketing by the FiftyPlus program team, which ensure that no woman in the area is without knowledge of the support YWCA can provide in education, training, job search, and job placement.
Once a woman enters the program, she receives a job training supportive assessment that helps her chart her plan for education and training with YWCA. She starts with one or both of their core training modules depending on her needs.
After completing core training, she has access to a set of electives to support her on her unique training and education “upskilling” needs on her job search journey.
After going through the program, she’ll likely be employed within 100 days with a living wage job, but the support doesn’t stop there. The team stays connected for her entire first full year of employment, making sure she has the resources she needs to troubleshoot through.
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