GLAS Foundation

Striving for a positive change to the lives of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Bulgaria

Grant Amount: £36,000




GLAS Foundation works for LGBTI+ people in Bulgaria, who face very specific risks in the workplace such as discrimination and intolerance.

In 2017 GLAS Foundation launched "Work It OUT" - the first business platform for diversity and equality at the workplace in Bulgaria. The purpose of the platform is to promote a positive business and economic case for equality of opportunity for every employee in Bulgaria. With its activities, the platform helps businesses to improve the state of well-being of their employees, reduces discrimination risks and psychosocial risks for LGBTI+ people by creating workplace environments to bring their true authentic self and be treated equally by their colleagues.


Funding Focus

GLAS will use this funding to further develop Work It OUT, which is currently on a voluntary basis and doesn’t have any core funding. They plan to spend part of the funding for one paid member of staff on a part-time contract and additional expenses including; a media campaign, events, a queer professionals club and developing a training toolkit and workshop which can be delivered to their corporate partners.