
Chapter 6

How Can Companies Adapt to Remote Work?

Remote work is becoming the norm, whether we like it or not. See how to transition your teams for success.

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Remote work is not a new concept, but it is becoming a new normal for organizations around the globe. While almost 30% of employees worked remotely—at least part time—before the spread of COVID-19, Gartner predicts this number will reach over 40% post-pandemic.

This isn’t surprising, as during the pandemic 88% of global workers surveyed said they were working from home, according to a spring report from Global Workplace Analytics.

This trend is likely to continue as more of Gen Z enters the workforce and increases the demand for flexible working

The nation-wide office closures and recommendations to stay at home, combined with evolving workforce demands, are forcing businesses to transition to remote work – either temporarily or for the long-haul. This chapter contains resources to help transition your team to remote work, while still maintaining a connected and productive workforce.


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How to Transition Your Team to Remote Work

Communicate often and openly

Communication is key to staying connected while working from home. According to a 2019 Gartner survey, over one-quarter of employees feel isolated when they work remotely. Managers and HR leaders can work together to overcome these communication hurdles by:

  • Re-introducing virtual communication platforms into employees’ routines
  • Establishing regular check-ins with employees (daily or weekly) to help prioritize tasks
  • Proactively connecting with employees throughout the workday
  • Being transparent about expectations and progress, and encouraging employees to do the same
  • Socializing! Host team happy hours or create digital communities to help keep employees connected on a more personal level

how to adapt to flexible working

Trust employees to be productive

There is an inherent level of independence that comes with working from home, and managers who don’t trust their employees will find it difficult to transition to remote work. So, it is important to lead with trust. Trust your employees’ ability to self-direct and create structure. Rather than micro-managing their process, focus on employees’ output. By doing so, you will motivate them to succeed.

Emphasize a positive culture of appreciation

It can be hard to see moments of success in action when employees are not in the office together. As your team adapts to remote work, it is important to maintain a culture of recognition to keep everyone motivated and engaged. Managers can do so by:

  • Proactively asking employees about their “wins” of the week, or conducting employee surveys to measure success
  • Recognizing specific behaviors or examples of what is going right
  • Acknowledging employee achievements with rewards (e.g. spot bonuses) or announcements that receive company-wide visibility
  • Encouraging peer-to-peer recognition through eCards and “Wow Wall” recognitions
  • Celebrating birthdays, holidays, or special moments with the entire team

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By prioritizing employee recognition, trust and communication while working from home, you can maintain a strong company culture, motivate employees to succeed, and encourage productivity and satisfaction throughout the workforce. Now more than ever, businesses must be agile, creative and flexible as the world transitions to remote work.

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