Fast-paced technology organisation uses targeted wellbeing strategy to reduce absence by 35%
Causeway is a fast-paced technology company with around 200 employees who are all online. Company culture is sustained through committed and talented employees who all work towards being energised, decisive, driven and tenacious – with an eye to the future.

employees now believe organisation cares about employee wellbeing
decrease in company absences along with associated business costs
What they needed
After analysing employee absence data, Causeway’s HR team identified increased levels of anxiety and stress amongst their workforce – despite the company providing their employees with a robust wellbeing offering. A further look into the data showed patterns correlating to specific times of heightened stress and anxiety.
In order to change this, the team saw the following key areas which they needed to address:
Enhance Family-Friendly measures to address caring responsibilities
Provide increased education and support to ensure employees are emotionally equipped to deal with challenges
Improve employee mental wellbeing, resilience and work-life balance
Enhance physical wellbeing services to address musculoskeletal problems
Reduce absence and improve productivity
Reinforce and encourage a positive culture of wellbeing
Ensure employees recognise that the company cares about their wellbeing


Number of employees:

Number of locations:

Platform features:
Employee wellbeing
How we helped
The team decided on a multi-pronged approach which included increased communication, targeted promotions for the benefits and services available to colleagues with caring responsibilities, and education aimed at improving awareness around anxiety and stress. They also provided employees with practical tips on prevention, stress management and resilience building.
As the team’s research had shown their male employee population could be reluctant to discuss their health and personal difficulties, they knew they would need an innovative approach to engage them. A campaign was devised to promote and recognise carers as “Unsung Heroes” to create openness. Promotional gift packs were designed for different groups, and benefits promotions focused more coherently around “Life Journeys” – making it easier for employees to identify with what’s important for them at particular life stages.
All of this was communicated through a variety of communication channels such as emails, posters, flyers, social media, personalised packs, and coffee mornings at Causeways on-site cafés. And with 100% of employees registered to use the “Causeway Lifestyle” employee engagement hub in place, the team had another avenue to promote and support the campaign and its communications.
What they achieved
The team saw a noticeable impact from the previous year with the annual employee survey results showing that 70% of employees believe the company has a genuine family friendly feel. Further to that, the survey results also showed that 90% of employees believe that the company genuinely cares about their wellbeing, whilst 81% feel proud to tell people about the wellbeing provided.
Not only did the survey feedback confirm the wellbeing strategy’s success, the numbers and ROI spoke for themselves:
Total absence decreased across the business by 35%, with its associated cost decreasing by 62%.
Cost of absence for the four areas targeted decreased by 90%, representing a saving of over £70,000.
Engagement with monthly promotions and education reached 65%.
Absence due to stress and anxiety decreased by 81%, with its associated cost decreasing by 98%.
Absence due to headaches and migraines decreased by 60%, with its associated cost decreasing by 96%.
Causeway’s team is continuously reviewing and improving their hub and wellbeing benefits to meet the needs of their employees in an ever changing environment. 2017’s ongoing communication and promotion includes information for parents to understand and prepare for childcare voucher changes, as well as financial education and mental health awareness.
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