When you connect your people through tailored communications and show appreciation for those who work hard day in and day out, you'll naturally start improving employee engagement and transforming your company culture. Take SafeAmerica Credit Union (SACU), for example.

safeamerica_logoSACU was formed when two separate credit unions merged and today serves around 39,000 members in Northern California. Being an organization with both unionized and non-unionized workers means engaging both groups with relevant and tailored communications – which became a challenge for SACU.

Previously SACU used an outdated intranet that was missing the mark with its people because they weren’t receiving the right information at the right time. 

On top of reaching people with the right messages at the right time, SACU also needed to bring all employees closer together, while keeping its company mission top of mind to create a sense of belonging. SACU launched a centralized employee experience platform, called “The Hub,” a place that connects SafeAmerica employees to one another. 


On The Hub, employees can find important company and people updates, alongside peer-to-peer eCards and monetary rewards which live on a social recognition wall to improve visibility and employee relationships with public recognition.

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And to round out its new offerings, SACU launched employee discounts to give employees exclusive offers on everyday savings to help their paychecks go even further for themselves and their families. 


Since modernizing its approach to recognition and communications, SACU employees have sent 426 eCards and 119 awards and published 108 articles in the first three months since launching The Hub, and these numbers continue to rise.

Read the full SACU launch story for a deeper dive into how SACU is working towards building a culture of appreciation and becoming a family-oriented organization.

Georgi Prisadnikov

Passionate about the power of employee engagement and how it can help clients transform their organizations into a better place to work, Georgi is one of our Client Relationship Managers. In addition to employee engagement, he loves photography, being in nature and folklore music.

Client Relationship Manager

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