3 min read

As the VP of Client Success at Reward Gateway, a key part of my job is working with senior leaders at organizations of all sizes, in various  industries and helping our clients continue to prove the ROI of employee engagement.

We look at a lot of factors, including turnover and new employee retention strategies, improved communication across the business and straight outputs of our programs such as recognition activity or amount of money saved through employee discounts program.

Improving employee engagement will benefit so many areas of the business, and we're here to help every step of the way. But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are a few of my top stats to show your executive team that employee engagement isn't just good for people, it's critical for business. 


For more inspiration, check out five employee engagement success stories worth a read. 

Patrick Ahern

As the VP of Client Success, Patrick's guiding value is, of course, to Delight our Customers. He leads a team of talented Client Success Managers to work alongside clients to guide them on their employee engagement journey.

VP of Client Success

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