
2 min read

It’s one of my favorite times of year – the annual SHRM conference is right around the corner! I’ve had the pleasure of attending the conference a number of times, meeting like-minded individuals who want to create better workplaces and hearing stories about others pushing boundaries in the HR industry. I’m excited to attend this year as a member of the Reward Gateway team.

We’re especially geared-up for this year’s conference and we’ve got a fun and educational agenda lined up. Here are some of the highlights:

Sunday, June 23: Stop by booth #1626, where we’ll be baking with a very special guest. You’ll discover the ingredients needed to “bake the world a better place to work.”
Monday, June 24: Don’t miss our President of Employee Engagement, Gregg Lederman, speak about ways to improve employee motivation. Check out the session details here.
Tuesday, June 25: Join our SVP Sales, Americas, Gene Gainey, as he discusses how to give employees what they crave to improve engagement and drive better business outcomes. Check out the session details here.

Keep in mind, we’ll be at booth #1626 all throughout the conference, with some special giveaways. We’re excited to connect and chat about all things employee engagement and HR technology. If you want to learn more about our presence at SHRM this year, read our latest press release.

In the meantime, follow along with our SHRM updates on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to leave a comment below, or contact me directly so we can set up a time to chat at SHRM!

Contact me »

Rachel Weeks

Rachel Weeks is the VP of U.S. Growth Marketing at Reward Gateway. When she's not spreading the word to HR professionals about the benefits of employee engagement solutions (which she loves doing!), she's spending time at her second job, driving her son to his sports and activities. Play ball!

VP of U.S. Growth Marketing

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