can office environment affect employee engagement?

1 min read

To kick off July, our London coworkers were greeted with the opening of our brand new headquarters. Specifically designed to increase engagement and collaboration, the new office helps our coworkers fully embrace our mission of “let’s make the world a happier place to work” just that much easier.

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words, but a video is even better. Check out our post- Project Meadow (the name of the office redesign) interviews, below. In it, Creative Director Sevil Rahimova admits to some of the toughest questions her client (our own CEO Glenn Elliott) threw her way, and our partners brightspot strategy and Area Sq offer their view on how the office redesign went. (Hint: Really well.)



Stay tuned for more on the new office, including how your workspace can shift its environment to complement (or create) a more agile workforce.

Chloe Thompson

Chloe is the Head of Global Content Strategy and Thought Leadership at Reward Gateway. She has a strong penchant for great food, better wine (especially if it sits alongside a cheese plate) and dancing around her kitchen to musical theatre tunes.

Head of Global Content Strategy and Thought Leadership

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