2 min read

Working in an unpredictable and busy environment means that no two days are the same. This is particularly true for the employees who work for Pacific Atlantic Handling, (PAH) an organization that offers customer handling service and provides luggage tracking at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. 

Employees are constantly on their feet, don’t have access to a desk and are often scattered throughout the airport each day.

As PAH continues to grow and expand, the need to improve the employee experience through employee recognition and communications became clear. 

The organization partnered with Reward Gateway to launch its employer-branded employee engagement platform, “Elevation.” It’s on the platform that employees can send one another performance-based eCards, such as “Leading by Example,” monetary awards called “Altitude Awards” and nominate top performers for Employee of the Month.


Alongside the reward and recognition initiatives, improving employee communication is paramount throughout this period of change. Through the Elevation Blog, employees stay updated on important company news and leadership announcements on any device at any time. 

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In fact, on the very first day of launch employees were welcomed with a blog post from Neil Lott, PAH’s CEO. 

The blog outlined key goals to ensure everyone was marching to the same beat. And he identified himself as a top contributor going forward because reaching employees requires new communication techniques and leadership involvement is crucial to moving the needle on employee engagement. 


Since launching Elevation in November of 2019, employees have sent 211 eCards, 21 awards and Neil has published 3 blogs and counting.

Read the full PAH launch story for a deeper dive into how the organization is continuing to improve the employee experience through employee recognition, employee communications and leadership involvement.

Alana Cummings

Shoe guru and past cheerleader that still brings the spirit into building meaningful client relationships. Alana is the US Client Success Team Manager at Reward Gateway.

US Client Success Team Manager

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