RG Inspiration: Five culture videos that connect our global workforce

Company culture videos help bring diverse teams together and improve communication and employee engagement at your organization.


2 min read

Expressing creativity comes in many different shapes and sizes. From a young age, we’re encouraged to express our creativity – whether it’s through music, painting or making fun videos. Videos have become even more popular than before, with YouTube, Instagram and other social channels being second nature.

Creativity is especially important in the workplace. Employees can be challenged in different ways while expressing themselves. When they get their creative juices flowing, they’re more engaged and continue living company values if you give them a chance to let them be creative.

This led us to create a values-based video challenge for our global event. To raise awareness for this challenge, we posted it on our employee engagement platform more than once and sent reminder throughout as well. Teams had a few weeks to work on their videos. Below are a handful of some of the videos that various teams submitted and all of them connect to one of our eight values.

Think Global

Reward Gateway’s Marketing Team demonstrates the Think Global value by not only connecting employees across the globe, but how each department works together – from design to content to product. 


Love Your Job

Our Product Design Team in Bulgaria gives us an insider glimpse of their day-to-day, whether it’s designing new content for the retail team or for clients. Not only do they love their job, but they also know how to have some fun at the end of the day.


Work Hard

Some of the ladies from our Client Success Team in our London office walk us through their various roles with a shared value. From working through roadblocks together to digesting data to helping one another out, it’s all about working hard and delighting our customers.


Push the Boundaries

Pushing the boundaries means having some fun sometimes too. Our Product Designer shows how some powerful forces paired with determination can help you reach new heights.


Speak Up

Two RG employees put on their investigative journalist hats to “report” from BBC London News on an extremely bad boss named “Richard Firealot.” In this video, the team speaks up to help his employees be happier at work.


Lastly, check out our brand new culture video which is a lighthearted representation of our people, workspaces and values.


Let the magic happen and give your employees opportunities to express their creativity at work. Not only will people connect more to your company values, but they’ll feel respected, energized and ultimately be more engaged. Do you have any examples of culture videos you’d like to share? Connect with me on LinkedIn and let’s get to sharing!