Employee Appreciation Day is finally here, and it’s time to show your employees how much you value everything they do. A recent survey showed that 90% of HR workers agree that effective reward and recognition drives business results, but almost a third struggle to find the time to recognize. Today, of all days, let's find the time to show your appreciation. While we believe it’s important to show appreciation throughout the year, today is a special opportunity to recognize employees and colleagues who continue to do a great job or go above and beyond at work.

Knowing where to start might seem daunting, so we wanted to make things a little bit easier. To get your creative juices flowing, we’ve curated a selection of top resources on showing employees appreciation in this dedicated hub. We hope that this hub will provide you with inspiration to recognize your employees not only today, but all year long. 

Visit our Employee Appreciation Day hub for resources to recognise employees »


These resources are designed to help you no matter where you are in your recognition journey, whether you’ve just started thinking about how to show your appreciation or whether you’ve already implemented an employee recognition program. There’s something for everyone in our hub, from various ways to thank your employees on Employee Appreciation Day to a step-by-step guide to building a recognition program.

fi-kameelCreating a culture of recognition and making it part of your everyday routine is essential to keeping employees happy, productive and connected to the business. While building this culture takes time, it starts with a simple “thank you.” Make a point of thanking someone at work today whose hard work has made a difference in your life, and check out our hub for ways to do this every day.

If you’re looking for more inspiration on your recognition journey, subscribe to our blog for the latest tips and tricks on building a culture of recognition in your organization.

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Meghan Barrett

Meghan Barrett is a Content Marketing Manager at Reward Gateway. Outside of writing about employee engagement, she spends her time capturing sunsets with her camera, making a mess in the kitchen and relaxing in local cafes while eating chocolate croissants.

Content Marketing Manager

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