7 ways to quickly improve the culture and dynamic of your team

It's not easy to build a great company culture. These seven tips from Megan Gough, will help to improve the culture and dynamic of your team.

Building a great company culture isn’t an easy job, but we think we do a pretty great job at it here at Reward Gateway. Here are my 7 top tips to improve the culture and dynamic of your team:

1. Make the working environment as nice as possible. 

Take on employees’ ideas and allow their contributions to the space. Have them take ownership for it; perhaps establish a rota for jobs and responsibilities for upkeep and they will take pride and enjoyment in their area of work.

arrow-leading2. Lead from the top by showing how you like things done rather than just telling.

Visibly encourage those behaviors with praise and recognition. Small things go a long way such as a personal well done note for a job well done or small team treats like ice-creams on a hot day.

3. Encourage peer-to-peer coaching and training.

Give employees the space for working on ideas for team coaching, whether that’s time to reflect and generate ideas over a park or working at home.

4. Encourage peer-to-peer recognition.

Have your team nominate a colleague each month who has been outstanding. Use it as an opportunity to dovetail exceptional criteria with the company cultures and values.

Learn more about Peer-to-Peer Recognition for your business »

5. Abolish rules and policies where possible.

Instead provide a free thinking/acting environment where the onus is on the individual to make a sensible decision. If the individual can honestly state that their actions are in the best interest of the company, then there’s a strong possibility that this is the case.

An example: two people are visiting a client on business and are able to expense their lunch. Would the person who is able to expense a lunch based on what they deem reasonable spend more or less than the person who is not allowed to expense more than $8? The person who has the rule to not go above $8 will probably ensure that they spend exactly that, or just short of it. For the person without the rules, only the guiding principle that it ought to be a sensible amount will ensure that they probably spend a lot less the majority of the time.

6. Incentivize the overarching team objective.

If possible, give your people a real stake in the success of that objective. When the employees’ objectives are aligned with the company’s you can only get a great result. An employee share scheme is a tangible way to get everyone working towards the same goal.

7. Always employ new people with the team dynamic in mind.

Avoid recruiting everyone with a similar profile and instead mix it up with complementing personalities and skills sets, as this not only adds an interesting dynamic to the team, it’s also great for business.