Employee Appreciation Day is rapidly approaching – we're less than two weeks away from the big day on Friday, 4th March – so now is the perfect time for leaders to start thinking of ways to celebrate their people. After two years of changing work environments, uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and continually evolving restrictions, employees could use a little extra recognition for always bringing their best to work, no matter where 'work' might be.

happy employee working in coffee shop

As we navigate The Great Adjustment and a competitive talent market, recognition is more important than ever. 

Consistently reminding our employees that we see and appreciate the work they do will not only boost employee motivation and morale, but also give companies a competitive edge as they strive to attract, engage and retain top talent. Whether you already have an employee recognition program in place, or whether you're just starting on your recognition journey, you can use Employee Appreciation Day to either jumpstart your recognition culture or fuel the initiatives you have running.

To make things a little easier, we've pulled together a resource hub to help you recognize your employees on Employee Appreciation Day and all year long. We hope that you'll find inspiration to help you attract, engage and retain your people this year.

Visit the resource hub »

Meghan Barrett

Meghan Barrett is a Content Marketing Manager at Reward Gateway. Outside of writing about employee engagement, she spends her time capturing sunsets with her camera, making a mess in the kitchen and relaxing in local cafes while eating chocolate croissants.

Content Marketing Manager

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