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The year of the Great Adjustment, 2022 has come at us fast. Inflation and cost of living are reaching new heights around the world and organisations everywhere continue to navigate the aftermath of a life-disrupting pandemic. From holiday-themed tips to more general-purpose tricks, these seven blog posts resonated the most with our readers this year. 

Refresh your memory on those you’ve seen and catch up on those you missed!

It’s all in the name

Of all the things to name correctly, your employee recognition program is at the top of the list. The glue that will hold your employees and your values together, you want to ensure you give your program the best possible life. Debra Corey, trusted Reward Gateway Advisor and bestselling author, offers key advice for this fundamental task.

How to create employee wellbeing goals

supporting employee wellbeing

It’s not enough to simply tell staff you care about their wellbeing – you have to demonstrate it by providing tangible support. Catrin Lewis, Head of Global Engagement and Internal Communications, offers five basic tips for supporting your employees’ financial wellbeing – and building engagement through the process.

Doing Employee Appreciation Day right

Employee Appreciation Day is a perfect opportunity to refresh your organisation’s recognition program or to go all out on a big celebration. Learn first why strategic recognition is so important, then let Christina Calafatis, Client Success Manager, offer five tips to make your Employee Appreciation Day shine its brightest.

Australian company culture highlight: 5 examples

company cultureEveryone wants to have a good company culture, but it’s not always clear what that means. For John Fulluck, Head of SMB, these five Australian organisations demonstrate exemplary culture practices we can all learn from.

Creative nomination opportunities

Strategic reward and recognition programs are easy-to-implement culture wins that can improve employee engagement. If you need to refresh your award nomination process – or get one started from the top! – Employee Engagement Consultant Phoebe Hutton has some suggestions.

10 ways to launch a recognition program

If you want your new engagement initiative to get off the ground from the moment of release, you need to make sure you generate enough buzz. For 10 ideas to get your program started, check out this post from Kameel Martin, Senior Client Success Manager at Reward Gateway.

happy employeesCelebrating International Women’s Day

The wide variety of holidays people celebrate are important and easy engagement opportunities at work. Everyone has a part to play in the evolution of work and culture. So when International Women’s Day rolls around again in 2023, be prepared with these four tips from Reward Gateway Experience Manager, Kaitlin Howes.

If you're looking for inspiration, subscribe to our blog to uncover the latest trends in employee engagement and find tips for supporting and engaging your employees all year long.

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Emily Mellwood

As Content Manager for the Americas region, Emily looks after the Reward Gateway blog kingdom and produces content to inspire, educate and inform our readers. She can’t live a day without coffee and plays her music at full blast. During her quiet time, you’ll likely find her curled up with a book.

Content Manager, Americas

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