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Employees need a sense of belonging in the workplace to collaborate and communicate effectively, be their best selves at work and thrive both professionally and personally.

But don’t just take my word for it, we’ve got the data and insights to back this claim up! Our latest research report, The Business Case for Belonging Report, delves into this complex area with survey findings from 1,000 Australian employees and 1,000 HR professionals.

Below, we’ve compiled some key stats from that report, featuring our exclusive data plus industry insights and past research, to showcase the real importance of belonging in the workplace. Keep scrolling for an accompanying infographic!

1. 56% of Aussie employees say that a feeling of belonging at work is more important than a 10% pay rise

While some leaders may feel that belonging isn’t a business priority, our report (and the stats below!) clearly show the big business benefits of boosting belonging.

We found that over half of Australian employees believe that a feeling of belonging at work is more important than a 10% pay rise, demonstrating the significant importance employees place on belonging.  

Want to find out more about this? Check out our blog: 5 factors more important to Aussie employees than a pay rise.

2. Employees that feel a sense of belonging at work are 1.5x more likely to recommend their employers to friends and family

When you’re thinking about your employer brand and talent attraction efforts, it’s probably no surprise that your current employees can be a vital source of referrals for prospective hires.

For those employees who feel a sense of belonging at work, they’re 1.5 times more likely to recommend their organisation as a potential employer to friends and family. 

3. Two thirds of Aussies view an inclusive environment where people feel a sense of belonging as a must-have

Creating an environment that prioritises compassion and support can improve employee engagement, satisfaction and success. Our research found that 61% of employees believe having an inclusive environment where every team member feels a sense of belonging and acceptance, regardless of background, experiences or perspectives is a crucial must-have.

When employees feel safe, cared for and supported, they are more likely to thrive both personally and professionally, contributing to a positive and productive work environment.

Cultivating a real sense of community and belonging has so many positive outcomes for your organisation, it doesn’t just feel good on a personal level, it also makes real business sense.

4. Employees who feel they belong are 56% more likely to be high performers

Harvard Business Review’s The Value of Belonging at Work found that employees who feel they belong are 56% more likely to be high performers and 50% less likely to leave the company.

They also experience a 75% reduction in sick days, receive double the raises and are 18 times more likely to be promoted.

5. One third (32%) of Aussies occasionally feel a sense of belonging

Sadly, Aussie businesses have a long way to go before we’ve addressed this widespread and fundamental need. When asked how often they feel a sense of belonging, about half of employees (53%) frequently feel it, while one third (32%) occasionally feel it and 15% rarely or never feel a sense of belonging.

Of that 15%, survey respondents attribute this to either a lack of social engagements, experiences of being excluded or undervalued, experiences of discrimination, high levels of work stress and negative workplace cultures such as poor management and toxic leadership.

To hear how Australian employees are feeling and the successful strategies your business can implement to boost belonging in the workplace, download our report: The Business Case for Belonging Report.

Check out our accompanying infographic below, simply click on it to save and share with your team!


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Kylie Terrell

Kylie Terrell is our Australia Director of Consultancy and is RG’s resident advocate for employee recognition. She loves creating “wow” moments and looking for creative ways to make her coworkers and clients feel special.

Australia Director of Consultancy

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