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top-employee-engagement-blogs-20183 min read

If you're anything like me, Christmas came and went in a flash; I blinked and suddenly we were ringing in 2019! But before we all dive straight into tackling our New Year's resolutions, let's look back at the year that was and some of the best things that we discovered in the world of employee engagement.

Looking at which posts drew the most attention and interaction paints a pretty clear picture of the world of employee engagement in Australia: employee recognition and reward is high on the agenda, as creating a compelling culture and alleviating employees' financial stress.

Need a refresher? Let's take a look at the favourite employee engagement posts from 2018:

Five Australian companies with amazing company cultures

Culture is your company’s personality – the shiny, attractive thing that excites a job applicant, or the special way of doing things that makes talented people want to stay. It’s the intangible part of your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that sets you apart from a competitor. In this post, Jon looks at some Australian companies who are getting it right and can give everyone something to aspire to. 

The surprising statistics behind employees and purpose, mission and values

We've talked before about how critical an organisation's purpose, mission and values are to improving and increasing employee engagement. But this year our studies showed the very backbone of employee engagement seems to be missing. Chloe Deiulis, explores the breakdown between employers and employees in how purpose, mission and values are communicated – and how employees are recognised – within their organisation. 

AHRI survey: What’s the biggest priority for HR In 2019?

In August of last year, the RG team attended the AHRI National Convention with over 2,500 HR professionals. Attendees shared with us their biggest challenges and top employee engagement priorities for 2019 and Kylie looks at the results in this post. 

What’s the secret to driving true motivation?

In this post, Gregg Lederman looks at why 7 in 10 employees aren't motivated and what employers need to do to change those numbers. He identifies the three things that every employee craves, and how a simple habit that takes just a few minutes can turn a ripple into a wave of positive change when it comes to engagement.  

Four things that will transform your R&R program from "ok" to "awesome"

If you want to wow your people and get them excited and engaged about coming to work, then you can’t just settle for old-school reward and recognition tactics. What worked 15 years ago isn’t going to cut it in today’s workforce. Kylie Terrell weighs in on what will take employee recognition and reward to the next level in the future. 

The battle between monetary and non-monetary employee recognition and reward

When recognition for a job well done is given generously and freely between leaders and peers, your business has the potential to build a strong culture of gratitude and community. This post looks at how the addition of reward builds on top of that foundation with a strong  recognition program, and supports employees to understand the difference between good and great.

Five ideas to get your employee recognition program name right

Naming a recognition program is a lot like laying a cornerstone: Get it right, and everything around it is nicely set up for success. Get it wrong, and everything is misaligned and set up to tumble later on. Debra Corey provides a practical guide to picking a program name that will be the cornerstone for the recognition programs we build around it.

The seven critical elements of a competitive Employee Value Proposition

Finding top talent that will help drive productivity and your purpose, mission and values is tough, but getting them to choose you amongst a sea of competitors can be even harder. In this post, Kylie Green outlines the key elements you need to define and articulate so both potential and existing employees know exactly why your company is worth working for. 

Can HR teams in Australia do anything to reduce financial stress? 

With almost stagnant wage growth and increasing living costs causing financial stress to most Australians, this super shareable infographic looks at how employers can engage their existing employees by helping them save money on everyday expenses and, while alleviating some financial burdens, create a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that attracts new people to their organisation.

10 low-cost employee reward ideas to say thank you with experiences

This was the most popular post in our three-part mini series on low-cost recognition and reward ideas. As the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words,” so here are some ideas that show your employees you appreciate them by getting to know them and choosing an experience that aligns with their interests.

I have loved getting to know our readers and receiving feedback that the stories and tips our writers have shared are helping other people make the world a better place to work – if you haven't said hi yet, reach out to me this year! And do keep visiting and sharing as we add to our bank of employee engagement expertise. I'm looking forward to taking this journey with you into 2019!

Joy Adan

Joy spearheads RG's research about employee experience and engagement, and as our resident presenter, loves to inspire and challenge people to think critically about how to improve the way we work together. Joy’s passion for creative and inclusive storytelling, combined with experience in change management and corporate communications has allowed her to partner with global organisations to improve connection, culture and community in the world of work for over 15 years.

Senior Thought Leadership Manager

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